JSC UVT AERO took part in the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2017, which opened in Zhukovskoye village near Moscow. MAKS is one of the world’s largest aerospace forums, aimed at demonstrating Russian high technologies and openness of Russia’s domestic market for joint projects with international partners.

MAKS provides a complete picture of the priorities and achievements of the Russian aerospace industry. Only here one can see prototypes of aircraft and combat complexes, experimental installations, which can not be demonstrated abroad for a number of reasons.

To the specialists and businessmen MAKS provides a unique opportunity to establish multi-level contacts, further development of industrial cooperation, and search for new partners for business. A significant part of MAKS is scientific conferences and symposia held under the auspices of the State Scientific Center of Russia (Central Institute of Aerohydrodynamics). Here scientists and specialists can exchange views on the most pressing issues of the development of aviation and space technologies in the present and future.

This year, MAKS presented the projects of 166 international companies from more than 25 countries. The number of foreign participants in the air show was traditionally high. This clearly demonstrates that international companies are looking for partnerships in the Russian market. The exhibition featured companies from the aerospace sector from Italy, Belgium, France, UK and USA, including Boeing and Honeywell.

Due to participation in the aviation forum, UVT AERO conducted business negotiations, carried out important meetings, and established new relationships with Russian and foreign partners with a purpose to achieve the objectives of the further strategic development of the airline.